me & u

me & u
love together

06 สิงหาคม 2550

on Saturday

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On Saturday

I got up at 12.00 am.

I would like to slept for a long time

because in next week I slept late every night for sure.

I had a lunch and took a shower at 1.30 pm.

I playing my computer.

I playing internet.I made hi5 and chating MSN with my friends.

I listen music-online at .

It have a thai-music,english-music and many song lover.

I went to study english(conversation) at 4.00 pm. to 6.00pm.

I study one by one with my teacher.

He is old man.He getting in year.

He 78 years old.He have 3 nationality THAI,USA and CHINESE.

I study conversation only.

I study 2 days for 2 hour.On saturday I study at 4.00 pm. to 6.00 pm.

On Sunday I study at 9.00 am. to 11.00 am.

When I study finished,My grandmotherkapook_6703.gif (12.04 KB)came to received me and than

we went to Big-C suppercenter at the near my home.

I went to bought food and useful articles private.

After that, I want came back my home.

kapook_15447.gif (16.07 KB)I talked to my boyfriend on mobile phone.kapook_15447.gif (16.07 KB)

I slept late at 1.30 am. in the morning.

Tomorrow I had a class at 9.00 am.

I so sleepy very much.

Have a good dream.


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1 ความคิดเห็น:

montinee กล่าวว่า...

miss u na joob joob