me & u

me & u
love together

31 สิงหาคม 2550

On Wednesday

On Wednesday
I went to The Mall with my friends. I want to MK restaurant. It’s has an order many menu. I order for to serve in MK restaurant. We have a lunch 3 person together. When w ate finished, we walk around to The Mall and shopping. We buy shirts, pleated skirt for wear in order to go to University and the last we buy cosmetics is Dior brand. Now!! I’m not enough money. After that, we went to blue-note karaoke. That place is the near at my condo. We sang a song many music and we has a dinner and dancing. We sang a song from 6.30 pm. to 9.45 pm. We went back to condo and went to separately go up to my room. I took a shower and I wear pajamas and go to slept to the morning.
