me & u

me & u
love together

14 สิงหาคม 2550

Chapter 7 - 8

Chapter 7 “Tarrance”
On the first Monday in August. There was a meeting about the die of 2 lawyers. Beth Kozinski and Laula Hodge were there to listen the speech that gave by Oliver Lambeart too. There were 5 dead lawyers in 15 years and everyone supposed it was a hunting accident.
Mitch had his lunch sometimes in a small café. He likes it because no one from the firm went there. One day while he was there, there was a stranger came to him and warns him about the firm. He told Mitch don’t trust anyone, every word that say, at home or in the office, is maybe being recorded. That guy was the FBI. He told Mitch that he will find with a tell him more about the firm.
The next day Mitch told Ramar about the FBI. Then there was a conference. Then Locke told Mitch that the firm had trouble with the FBI and the tax people, and the firm do the thing which are not quite illegal, but almost close to the edge. Tarrance. Locke told Mitch that they have to protect the death’s family by telling that it was an accident.

Chapter 8 “Four People, Three of them Dead”
On Sunday, Mitch went to visit his brother, Ray in the prison. He got the information about Eddie as a private investigator.
Mitch went to Lomax’s office, Mitch told him he want some information about four people. Three of them are dead; they were the lawyer from Bendini, Lambert & Locke. He wants to there’s anything odd about their death. And the last person is an FBI.

1. Underneath – directly below or under something.
2. Ability – the mental skill or physical power to do something.
3. Legend – an old well – known story, often about brave people or adventures, or all stories of this kind.
4. Prisoner – someone who is kept in a prison as a punishment for a crime.
5. Visitor – someone comes to visit a place or a person.
6. Odd – different from what is expected strange.
7. Information – facts or details that tell you something about a situation, person, event etc.

1 ความคิดเห็น:

Jasper กล่าวว่า...

Done. OK. But not all lawyers died in a hunting accident though... They all died different ways. And all deaths were cover-ups.