me & u

me & u
love together

31 สิงหาคม 2550

On Wednesday

On Wednesday

Today, I haven’t a class.
I went visit to my farther at his home.
I talk to my farther and has a lunch with him.
He told me about that to learn for me.
He told me that in the future.
He would like to give me to be to lawyer or prosecutor.
I would like to be to The Firm because The Firm to got money and a famous and than
I would like to talk with foreigners. He talks to me anything.
He teach me and complain me every thing.
When I talk to my dad finished.
I would like to came back home.
My dad gives me money and he walk to sent me in front his home.
I got in the taxi car. At 10.30 pm. I got dress and brush my hair.
After that, I go down to the minimart and wait for my friends I go out from my condo and walk to in front ABAC. I went to the club dance.
The pub is name We-Za. I went to with my friends lady and her boyfriend.
My friends studies at Tammasart University.
I went to arrived at 12.30 pm. The club dance closed at 2.00 am.
I have a drank and dance with my friends.
I’m very happy. My friends pick up me and sent me to my condo
and took a shower, talk to my boyfriend and when I sleepy, I slept and
I wish for my dream is very sweet……have a nice dream

On Wednesday

On Wednesday
I went to The Mall with my friends. I want to MK restaurant. It’s has an order many menu. I order for to serve in MK restaurant. We have a lunch 3 person together. When w ate finished, we walk around to The Mall and shopping. We buy shirts, pleated skirt for wear in order to go to University and the last we buy cosmetics is Dior brand. Now!! I’m not enough money. After that, we went to blue-note karaoke. That place is the near at my condo. We sang a song many music and we has a dinner and dancing. We sang a song from 6.30 pm. to 9.45 pm. We went back to condo and went to separately go up to my room. I took a shower and I wear pajamas and go to slept to the morning.

20 สิงหาคม 2550

On Sunday

On Sunday
I went to study conversation at my school.
I went to school at 10.00 am. and study finished at 12.00 am.
I with to my grand mother pick up me.
I have a meeting with my father and my mother at Centarl Bangna.
My grandmother and I go by to taxi from my school to Central Bangna.
I wnet to find my mother and my father.
When I meet thay we went to MK in order to has lunch.
When we ate finished we went to go down to ground floor.
I to be full.
I went to buy cosmetics.
My mother and I pay money more than 25000 Bath.
It is very expensive.
When we finished we walk to the car park and got the car came back my home.

On Monday

On Monday
I went to my classroom at Assumption University. I studies sciman subject at 8.00 am. to 11.00 am. I has lunch with my friends I went to S building and then I wait my friends. At 12.30 am. my friends studies finished. After that I went to saw the cinema at Major Cineplex with my friends. At 3.30 pm. I came back to classroom at S building. When I studies finished I came back to my condo and I went to friend’s room and I has a talk to my friend.
Today it friend’s birthday. My friend to prepare a party at kom-kom restaurant. I went to restaurant 8 person. On the table has a many thing for every body. I to be full and delicious. We ate together and we are so happy. We came back to my condo by taxi with my friends ladies. I talk to my friends about her boy friend. I very fun and I so happy very much. After that, I go downstairs and went to bar with my friends. The Bar name is Pung & Ping.This is the bar and restaurant. I has a drank with my friends and listen to music from the singer in the bar. When I sleepy. I go up ti my room and slept still alone. Sweet dream...

14 สิงหาคม 2550

Chapter 7 - 8

Chapter 7 “Tarrance”
On the first Monday in August. There was a meeting about the die of 2 lawyers. Beth Kozinski and Laula Hodge were there to listen the speech that gave by Oliver Lambeart too. There were 5 dead lawyers in 15 years and everyone supposed it was a hunting accident.
Mitch had his lunch sometimes in a small café. He likes it because no one from the firm went there. One day while he was there, there was a stranger came to him and warns him about the firm. He told Mitch don’t trust anyone, every word that say, at home or in the office, is maybe being recorded. That guy was the FBI. He told Mitch that he will find with a tell him more about the firm.
The next day Mitch told Ramar about the FBI. Then there was a conference. Then Locke told Mitch that the firm had trouble with the FBI and the tax people, and the firm do the thing which are not quite illegal, but almost close to the edge. Tarrance. Locke told Mitch that they have to protect the death’s family by telling that it was an accident.

Chapter 8 “Four People, Three of them Dead”
On Sunday, Mitch went to visit his brother, Ray in the prison. He got the information about Eddie as a private investigator.
Mitch went to Lomax’s office, Mitch told him he want some information about four people. Three of them are dead; they were the lawyer from Bendini, Lambert & Locke. He wants to there’s anything odd about their death. And the last person is an FBI.

1. Underneath – directly below or under something.
2. Ability – the mental skill or physical power to do something.
3. Legend – an old well – known story, often about brave people or adventures, or all stories of this kind.
4. Prisoner – someone who is kept in a prison as a punishment for a crime.
5. Visitor – someone comes to visit a place or a person.
6. Odd – different from what is expected strange.
7. Information – facts or details that tell you something about a situation, person, event etc.

11 สิงหาคม 2550

Mother Day

On Sunday, today is Mother Day.
I got up at 8.30 am.
My mother came back home at 7.00 am.
I have breakfast with my mother and my cousins.
I took a shower and took my hair.
“You went to washing my car”
My mother said.
I was washing her car and I washing my dogs.
I sweep the house. When I finished everything

I went to market in order to by Mali flowers for my mother.
When I came back home.
My grandmother cooking to give a banquet.
I’m very happy. I help her everything if I can do it.
I play games with my brothers and I talk to my mobile phone.
Today I must to come back my condo.
I don’t to be away form my mother.
I miss her same as her miss me too.

I must to come back my condo in the afternoon with my friend.
Before, I came back to my condo.
I told my mother “I love you very much”.
I hug her and I kiss her.
Her look like very happy
She told me “she love me too”
I love her forever
I love my mother
I love my grandmother
I love my boyfriend


On Saturday

On Saturday, I got up at 11.30 am.
I playing internet. I was doing my homework.
I writing diary online. I have lunch and
I changed my nightgown. I took a shower and
I make up the face.

I got dressed and than I watching television with my brother together.
I love my dog and my cat.

I have 3 dogs and 4 On Saturday; I got up at 11.30 am.
I playing internet. I was doing my homework.
I writing diary online. I have lunch and
I changed my nightgown. I took a shower and
I make up the face. I got dressed and than I watching cats.
Today I was waiting my mother. She told me.
Tonight she would like to came back home.
At 4.00 pm. I went to studies English (conversation)
still alone with my teacher 2 hour.
When I studies finished, I came back home.
Nobody came to received me. I came back home my self.
I walk from my school to Big C supper center.
I came back to have dinner with my cousins.
I turn to my computer again. I was doing homework again.
My cousins have 6 persons 3 girls and 3 boys.
My mother calls me.
She told me that, today she can’t came back home
because she have a party at her school.
I would like to see her. I miss her very much.
P/S…Tonight I hope you and everybody sweet dream.
Have a nice dream everybody

On Friday

On Friday, I don’t have class.
My friends have a class everybody.
I’m still alone in my condo.
I got up at 12.00 am.
I took a shower. I am cleaning my bathroom.
I got dressed and took my hair.
I go down in order to have lunch and to give back cartoon book at cartoon shop.
I walk around to my condo because I would like
to buy sweets bread and candy.
I go up to my room.
I watching television and writing diary.
I writing about everything
when I stay with my boyfriend.
My friend calls me.
He told me that he came to my condo.
He will take back his shoes.
Tonight he went to club night with his friends.
Today I came back my home at Samutprakarn.
I would like to came back home.
I came back home by van my self every week.
My sister calls me. She told me that,
she will came to received me at my condo.
I think, I would like to came back home my self.
…never mind…
After that I came back home with my sister.
She just studied finished.
She studied is faculty of
Communication Art at Assumption University.
She has a car. She has a many girlfriends.
We went to Big C supper center.
I would like to buy gift because
on Sunday and Monday is friend’s birthday.
and we went to buy chocolate and sweets
and than we went buy powdered milk.
When we finished we came back home.
I arrived my home at 4.30 pm.
I play internet. I got in to website
In order to writing diary online
sent to my teacher.
I chat MSN with my friends and
listen to music online at
It has many songs and it have music video.
It has Thai songs and English songs.
I talk to my phone with my friend.
I took a shower and drank milk.
I go up to my bedroom and
sleep with my grandmother together.
Sweet dream everybody
Thz for comment
I miss you and I kiss you
(-*-)me & u(*-*)
We are The Lover

10 สิงหาคม 2550

On Sunday

On Sunday, I got up at 8.30 am.
I went to study English (conversation) still alone.
I went by motorcycle from my home. I study with my teacher one by one 2 hours.
I don’t like grammar.
I like to talk more than grammar.
Grammar is very difficult. I had used in the test at University.
When I study finished, my mother
to came to received
me at my school with my grandmother.
We went to market at the near area my home in order to bought food and
Dishes eaten with rice.
We bought everything.
Oh!!! Time up.
My mother not enough money.
We came back home.
I turn to play internet, chat MSN and listen music online to be exactly the same as everyday.
My telephone is loudly. My friend calls me.
He ask me about that today
we came back to my condo at Assumption University.
I answer him. I’m ok.
I arrange a time and place for meeting 3.00 pm.
at my home. In this time, is it hot and so
very bored. I remember that, I feel moody
and I very angry him so much.
He told me “He sorry on the road had a traffic jam”.
I attempt believe him again.
We arrived to my condo
form my home in 20 minute.
It so fast, I think. When I arrived I pay money a rent
my condo 4800 baht and then I goes up to my room.
I cleaning my room, sweep and than I made CD
in my computer and reading a book for law. I took my hair, when I finished.
I goes down in order to dinner with my friend lady.
After that, my friends came to my room 4 person.
She invite me went to china town. I’m accepting her.
We went to china town 7 person. We share
expenses 2 groups. My group had 4 people.
We ate bread. It has to be famous in the china town.
When I ate finished. We went to join my friends
more one group. We walk around in china town.
We saw a big pedestrian crossing.
We took a photo and recording VDO
many picture.
After that my friends would like
to went to sun street at 1.30 am.
This area is a chill and many bars.
Every bars is closed. We went to came back my condo. My boyfriend call me talk to me it everything.
I so very happy.
Sweet dream.

06 สิงหาคม 2550

on Saturday

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On Saturday

I got up at 12.00 am.

I would like to slept for a long time

because in next week I slept late every night for sure.

I had a lunch and took a shower at 1.30 pm.

I playing my computer.

I playing internet.I made hi5 and chating MSN with my friends.

I listen music-online at .

It have a thai-music,english-music and many song lover.

I went to study english(conversation) at 4.00 pm. to 6.00pm.

I study one by one with my teacher.

He is old man.He getting in year.

He 78 years old.He have 3 nationality THAI,USA and CHINESE.

I study conversation only.

I study 2 days for 2 hour.On saturday I study at 4.00 pm. to 6.00 pm.

On Sunday I study at 9.00 am. to 11.00 am.

When I study finished,My grandmotherkapook_6703.gif (12.04 KB)came to received me and than

we went to Big-C suppercenter at the near my home.

I went to bought food and useful articles private.

After that, I want came back my home.

kapook_15447.gif (16.07 KB)I talked to my boyfriend on mobile phone.kapook_15447.gif (16.07 KB)

I slept late at 1.30 am. in the morning.

Tomorrow I had a class at 9.00 am.

I so sleepy very much.

Have a good dream.


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